During the winter months, it is important to maintain your lawn by removing fallen twigs and leaves and all other debris. If not properly maintained and cleaned, these materials can accumulate moisture and eventually decay, damaging your lawn in the process. You need to keep mowing your lawn, just like in the hot months.
For other states, when the weather is cold, you don't need to irrigate your grass because the water freezes overnight. This is not always the case , as winters vary, from very wet to very dry. In dry weather, lawns should be watered to keep them growing. The lawn should also be checked daily to see if there is standing water. If not dispersed, you should do a little more work. Keeping standing water in lawns only damages the grass and can eventually lead to rot and mildew.
Prevent mosquitoes from invading your lawn as you prepare for the winter months. Note that you do not collect stagnant water, which is usually found in mosquito breeds when the temperature is close to 50 degrees. So, if you provide these insects with places where they can breed during the cold season, you can expect to be bitten when you enter the warm weather. Please visit https://lawnservicekaty.com for more information.